Education is an extremely important aspect of our Catholic faith. As such, faith is both reasonable, able to be known and understood as well as affective/experiential, flowing from the heart. God gives us, by His grace, the ability to know much about Him, how to follow Him, love Him and serve Him in our brothers and sisters. The goal of Catholic education is help all of us become disciples of Jesus Christ, to provide the tools that we need to grow in virtue and get to Heaven.
For Grades 1-8 we use the Alive in Christ Catechetical curriculum published by Our Sunday Visitor. This is a comprehensive and structured format that helps our students gain knowledge of liturgy, scripture, morality, and the works of mercy. We try to engage them as best we can in outreach to those in need. This helps our students understand that faith is something that must be lived and celebrated. Classes meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15am-10:15am during the academic year. Complete schedule TBD
Sacramental Preparation for First Confession and First Holy Communion takes place in the Grade 2. Students in this class will know and understand that Jesus forgives our sins when we humbly confess them to a priest. They will also know that He is truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. Dates for the celebration of these sacraments is TBD.
Sacramental preparation for Confirmation is a 2-year program beginning in the 9th grade. Grades 9 and 10 combined make up the class, with confirmation being celebrated in the spring of the 10th grade year. During this time of preparation, students are required to participate actively in the liturgy of the parish by assisting as altar servers, lectors or singing in the choir. Students are also required to complete several service projects during this time and complete at least 20 hours of community service (to family, church, school and/or the larger community).
For more information, please contact the parish Office at 665-3254.