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July 30, 2021

Pastor’s Corner

Dear Friends,
For the next few weeks we will be hearing a lot from the Gospel of John and Jesus' famous "Bread of Life" discourse (John chapter 6). Last week, Jesus set the stage for us with the feeding of the 5,000 otherwise known as the miracle of the loaves and fishes. It brings up an opportunity to reflect more deeply about the mystery of the Eucharist - since that is precisely the message of John in this chapter ... Jesus is truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Consecrated bread and wine.

In a recent discussion over email with a friend from another parish, she was commenting on the article I wrote last weekend about godparents. Nowadays it happens too often that folks come to the Church for baptism but cannot find a suitable godparent and get mad at those trying to uphold the laws of the Church because the parents cannot have their way - a relative or friend who isn't Catholic, two godmothers, and the list goes on and on... So, they leave and sometimes, never come back. Unfortunately, many Church ministers just give in so that the people stay. I have found, however, that they don't stay - they get what they wanted and leave.

Here is the heart of the issue, in this "culture of me" - We do not receive Holy Communion so that Jesus becomes a part of us but rather that we become a part of Him. It is not He who conforms Himself to our way, our wants ... we are meant to be conformed to Him, to His way of being. You see, the miracle of the loaves and fish teach us something about the nature of Jesus and the Catholic Church - that at the very heart of Christianity is Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. This is the centerpiece of our faith - the "source and summit" as so duly noted by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council. It is from the Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist which gives us the necessary courage to live the Catholic Faith, to put into practice the values, teachings and morals of the Church. There is an old theological phrase that is noted here: orthodoxy=orthopraxis ... right belief = right practice. Therefore, ask yourself: do I believe this truth Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist? And if so, does my life reflect that belief?

Coming up this Advent (Beginning on the Solemnity of Christ the King in November) the Diocese of Springfield will be launching a Year of the Eucharist. This will be a year that moves us toward a deeper understanding, belief, reverence and devotion for Christ's presence in the Eucharist. More information will be given leading up to the start of this special year of grace. Now is the right time, like none other, to go deeper into the heart of our faith.
God Bless,
Fr. Jon

Highlight Our Faith

Bishop Barron on Catholics Misunderstanding the Eucharist (5:48)

Parish News

Summerfest 2021: Mark your calendars for Sunday August 29, 2021 for our annual - post-covid Summerfest Parish Picnic, 11:30am-3pm. Tickets are $12/person ($15 at the door). Children 10 and under are FREE. Pre-sale tickets are on sale this weekend July 24 & 25th after all Masses. You can also purchase them in the office.

We need volunteers! Sign up to volunteer on the website (click here).
The Stanley Kawecki Memorial Scholarship, sponsored by the Holy Family Parish Knights of Columbus Council, will be holding a golf outing on September 12, 2021 at the Northfield Golf Club. Entry fee is $100 and limited to 28 golfers. All the proceeds will go to fund the scholarship. A dinner will be provided. Please contact the Knights or the parish office for more information.
Donations are still being accepted for the Altar Rails. $3,900 has been donated so far. A drawing of the completed project is on display in the back hallway of the church. Thank you for your support thus far!
The Take and Eat Ministry is in need of volunteers. For more info please contact the office or Deacon Rod at deaconrod2017@gmail.com.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays 12pm, concluding with Benediction at 6pm.
Confessions are held on Wednesdays at 5pm; Saturdays at 3pm and by appointment with Fr. Jon or Fr. Frank.
There is no new Coffee with FJ, but if you didn't catch the last episode, see below:

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