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May 5, 2023

Pastor’s Corner

Dear Friends,
Corpus Christi will take place on Sunday, June 11 this year. Corpus Christi means Body and Blood of Christ. We will have a procession after the 10:30am Mass. The details of where this procession will go will be forth coming. During the Three-year Eucharistic Revival, there are three years. We are approaching the second year of the Eucharistic Revival which is the Parish Phase. To commence the year, the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, (USCCB) ask that every parish in the country organize a Eucharistic Procession after Mass on Corpus Christi.

This is exciting news. Why a procession? We have a procession because it is absolutely beautiful, first and foremost. Secondly, it is an opportunity for us as a community of faith to take the beautiful goodness and richness of our faith into the streets. We never know what kind of impact this could have on those who are watching, while we are boosting our own faith.

This news comes on the weekend of our First Holy Communion. The children from our CCD classes will be receiving first holy communion at the 10:30am Mass. They are: Philip Arcoleo, Barrett Kicza, Lane Kicza, Sophia Lynde, and Claudia Whittier. Congratulations, and we thank you parents for ensuring their reception of the Holy Eucharist.

Special thanks to everyone who helped to coordinate the First Holy communion. Jane Dery and Carol Moro were our teachers, Suzanne helped organize the program and Kevin Rauch is our Religious Ed coordinator. I also want to give a shout to our singers and musicians: Kelly Coleman and Amanda Smith who sang so beautifully at our Diocesan Eucharistic Congress. We are delighted that they would come here and be with us for our occasion, and also Pam Gilmore, who plays the organ at St. Mark’s Church in Conway. Special thanks to all. During the month of May, the Blessed Mother is truly watching over us. Peace to you and your families.
Sincerely Yours,

Fr. David Aufiero

Parish News

Please know that only Catholics may receive the Holy Eucharist. Only Practicing Catholics may receive the Holy Eucharist, that is those who go to Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. Only practicing Catholics aware of no mortal sin may receive the Eucharist.

Corpus Christi Procession

after the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, June 11.

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