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Divine Mercy

Pastor’s Corner

Dear Friends,
Decolores! I hope that Divine Mercy Sunday finds you well.

I am on a Cursillo Retreat as the Spiritual Director, and so I apologize for not being with you. But we have some exciting news, we are welcoming back Fr. Jonathan Reardon this weekend, former Pastor of Holy Family Parish, to speak on vocations, particularly to the Priesthood. We look forward to welcoming him to speak about this very important topic. For myself, I love being a priest. Nothing gives me greater joy than to preach the Gospel and to administer the sacraments. We need to pray for Holy Vocations. Never cease to ask the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers to the vineyard.

This visit from Fr. Jon comes at a most beautiful time, which takes place on Divine Mercy Sunday, the second Sunday after Easter. St. Maria Faustina was a nun who had an extraordinary vision of God’s infinite mercy and shared this in her diary, Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul. She writes beautifully and extensively on prayer, the Eucharist and the importance of confession. Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated throughout the world. God waits for you in a fountain of His love. Avail yourself to His grace by going to Confession, and by praying for the Pope’s intention and receiving Holy Communion, you receive a plenary indulgence this day.
Blessings to you. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Fr. David Aufiero

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