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August 13, 2021

Pastor’s Corner

Dear Friends,
These past few weeks we have been reading the famous "Bread of Life" Discourse found in Chapter 6 of St. John's Gospel. This weekend, however, we are interrupted by the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. First, lets understand that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is when she was 'assumed' - taken up into heaven by Our Lord. Mary, indeed, died. Yet her body, because she was born without sin (Immaculate Conception) was not subject to corruption or decay. And because of this singular grace of God, was able to be taken up - body and soul - into heaven. Her death, therefore, points us in the direction of that final judgment, when the body of our earthly dwelling is raised into a glorified unity with our Lord. Hence, when we say "I believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting" Mary shows us exactly what is meant by these words.

The Solemnity of the Assumption also teaches us something about respect of human life here and now. It wasn't until 1950 when this feast was declared a dogma of faith. Funny isn't it? A belief held by the Church for centuries yet not definitively defined as a dogma. But it makes sense. It was time when the world saw the rise of totalitarian regimes such as marxism, facism and nazism - seeking the glorification of the state through a political utopia. Hatred for the sacredness of human life was seen in the gulags and concentration camps. The second of the 20th century would give rise the massacre of human life via abortion, euthanasia, and experiments on human embryos. It all continues today with the sweeping trends of transgenderism and sexual orientation. The Church speaks in the midst of this confusion, in the midst of the "my body, my choice" generation with a profound message: Mary was created in the image and likeness of God - she now enjoys perfect union with Him in body and soul in heaven... so we too are destined for such a union. Pope St. John Paul II said it best: “By looking at her, the Christian learns to discover the value of his own body and to guard it as a temple of God, in expectation of the resurrection." On this day, may she echo that same teaching to us again and help us always to defend and uphold the sanctity of all human life, may we have the courage to remind folks everywhere - we are not destined for destruction and death but rather for sanctity and eternal union with God... body and soul.
God Bless,
Fr. Jon
013 - Corpus Christi 1200

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Mary: The Assumption (4:52)

Parish News

Summerfest 2021: Mark your calendars for Sunday August 29, 2021 for our annual - post-covid Summerfest Parish Picnic, 11:30am-3pm. Tickets are $12/person ($15 at the door). Children 10 and under are FREE. Pre-sale tickets are on sale this weekend July 24 & 25th after all Masses. You can also purchase them in the office.

We need volunteers! Sign up to volunteer on the website (click here).
The Take and Eat Ministry is in need of volunteers. For more info please contact the office or Deacon Rod at deaconrod2017@gmail.com.

The next meal is scheduled for Saturday August 21, 2021.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays 12pm, concluding with Benediction at 6pm.
Sign ups for 2021-2022 Religious Education will take place at Summerfest, Sunday August 29, 2021.
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting their annual Stanley Kawecki Memorial Scholarship golf outing on Sunday September 12, 2021. The fee is $100/golfer with all proceeds going to fund the scholarship.

Volunteers are needed. Please contact Paul Nebosky for more information: knights15197info@gmail.com
There are MANY openings for Masses to be offered for loved ones both living and deceased. Please contact the office to book a Mass.
Confessions are held on Wednesdays at 5pm; Saturdays at 3pm and by appointment with Fr. Jon or Fr. Frank.
There is no new Coffee with FJ, but if you didn't catch the last episode, see below:

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